Devil's Wingsaefgiofeapw


What was once a busy roadway that led to Little Ivywood was unrecognizable as nature had begun reclaiming the now unused area. Gardens once looked after and trimmed to perfection were now rough and overgrown, returning back to their chaotic natural state.

Most doors still stood sturdy in their frames. They were a little dirty, but if you only focused on the doors you'd expect people to come out as if nothing had changed. Many buildings stood precariously upright despite looking like they had no means to do so. It'd take just a slight nudge of a strong wind to tipple them all over.

Little Ivywood, once a peaceful and growing community had become a forgotten relic of the past. The air which was once filled with the many sounds of a growing community had grown eerily quiet. The silence was only broken up by the occasional animal sound and gust of wind.

Nothing's more eerie than an abandoned hospital and this one was no different. Empty halls and empty rooms where lives were once saved to the best of the staff's abilities only further added to the saddening atmosphere of this town.

Street after street of abandoned homes made for a terrifying thought. Each house was once a home, a home belonging to a family and now there was only emptiness. But even with all the animals that lived here now and made this town their new home you couldn't escape the feeling that so much had been lost forever.

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